Tearfund Groups
You may also have a team group and a Tearfund Group group (e.g. FIT, SIG, AIG) - you should be added to the team by your line manager, and the group by the EA of it.
Corporate level groups in Tearfund which you can join by emailing the owner:
All Staff: You automatically added to this group when you get a Tearfund account.
TF Teddington: Gordon May owns, please email ITSupport for any changes to this group.
Senior Leaders Strategy - Marie Oglivie owns
International Group, in country - Lindsey Reece-Smith owns
International Group, UK - Lindsey Reece-Smith owns
Line Managers - Ruth Boreham owns
Tearfund Groups (FIT, SIG, PAT, AIG, GFG) - Owned by your group EA
If you join these groups you will receive emails targeted at these groups - Please make sure you are only joining groups which are relevant to you!
Google Groups Tips
Groups —Beginners Tips
Groups—Intermediate Tips
Explore your Groups
This page shows you which Groups you are a member of, i.e. "My Groups", and also gives you a search window to look for other groups.
Expand "My Groups" to view the individual groups you belong to.
Click on the "Members" link to display all the members. If you are a Group Owner/Manager, you can make changes to certain members' settings by clicking on the "Manage" button.